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Auszugsweise die letzten Artikel der Kategorie „How to´s WordPress“

05.02Mittwoch, 05. Februar 2014

WordPress – List Category Posts

von |Mittwoch, 05. Februar 2014|How to´s WordPress, WordPress|Kommentare deaktiviert für WordPress – List Category Posts

List Category Posts

25.01Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

KVS FLV Player for WordPress

von |Samstag, 25. Januar 2014|How to´s WordPress|Kommentare deaktiviert für KVS FLV Player for WordPress

KVS FLV Player for WordPress The KVS Player plugin allows one to easily embed videos (supported formats: FLV, F4V and MP4) into WordPress posts and pages using the following shortcode: [flv:url image width height link [...]

04.01Samstag, 04. Januar 2014

Kategorien in Listenform

von |Samstag, 04. Januar 2014|How to´s WordPress|Kommentare deaktiviert für Kategorien in Listenform

RadioBBS[catlist id=22,-7,-106,-105] RadioBBS Blog[catlist id=7] SoundCloud[catlist id=106] YouTube Videos[catlist id=105] Tango Argentino[catlist id=23,-67,-26,-25,-24] Tango Blog[catlist id=67] Tango Kurs[catlist id=26] Tango Termine[catlist id=25] Tango Termine[catlist id=69 numberposts=5] Tango Termine[catlist id=142 numberposts=5] Tango Termine[catlist id=141 numberposts=5] Tango [...]

  • number_posts = numerical value to show how many posts you want per page, example is 5. can also be -1 which means all posts will be displayed on one page
  • cat_slug = the id of the category from which you want the posts to be displayed, use a , for multiple categories
  • title = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the title
  • thumbnail = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the image thumbnail
  • excerpt = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the excerpt
  • excerpt_words = numerical value to show how many characters your excerpt will be
  • meta_all = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide all meta info
  • meta_author = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the meta author
  • meta_comments = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the meta comments
  • meta_date = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the meta date
  • meta_link = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the meta link
  • paging = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide pagination
  • scrolling = one of these values: pagination or infinite
  • strip_HTML = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide HTML in the excertps
  • layout = one of these values: large, medium, large alternate, medium alternate, grid, timeline